With offices in Parkes, Forbes & Condobolin; we are able to expose your property regionally like no other agent.
Our property management team has almost 1000 properties under management whilst our award winning sales team includes rural property and water sales specialist Kim Watts, Brendon Allegri in Forbes / Eugowra, Kay Newbigging, Katrina Johnston & Tania Cole in Parkes & Paddy Ward in Condobolin. Tracie Robertson covers high end and commercial property across the region. We also offer livestock services.
We are keen to demonstrate the benefits of choosing our agency so please do call at any time!!
Ray White Parkes belongs to Australasia’s largest real estate group selling one in every ten properties throughout Australia and New Zealand.
With more than 140,000 properties offered for sale each year, we have the widest selection of real estate of any group in Australasia.
We have the widest selection of real estate of any group in Australasia.
Use our unique search results to filter by location, property type, bedrooms, bathrooms, garage, min or max price. You can also choose your preferred display amount, or sort the results by location, price or recently updated.
Marketing your home with Ray White Parkes can make a difference to the outcome you achieve.
Each property is a unique proposition and every vendor has individual requirements which must be catered to. At Ray White Parkes we design marketing packages which are completely tailored to your specific needs and goals.
Our Team
Click Here to meet the Ray White Team.