Branch Enquiries

New Norfolk Meals on Wheels

Business Summary
The Aim of Meals on Wheels Association of Tasmania Inc is to advance the Association as a leading provider of community services including the provision of meals to people and their carers who have a genuine need of assistance. More Than Just A Meal We Nourish - A Meal delivered to your door. Nutritious Meals can be provided up to 7 days a week for short or long term periods. Services are flexible and can be stopped and started as required. We Care - A safety and wellbeing check. Our trusted friendly staff and volunteers monitor the health and wellbeing of those they service and provide peace of mind for family members. We Strengthen Communities - A service that brings people together. At a time when things are becoming more impersonal, we provide opportunities for people to work, volunteer and help in their own communities
About Us

Meals on Wheels is a name familiar to Australians and is at the heart of many communities. It represents helping hands, teamwork and looking out for each other. It is all about people in the community joining forces to help others.

While age and disability may reduce some people's capacity to get out and about, Meals on Wheels helps make it possible to stay in their homes, where most are happiest, and maintain some independence. Delivery of nutritious meals, social interaction and regular visits ensure a clients' wellbeing and can help people live the lives they choose.

What We Do
  • Food safety and labelling for Meals on Wheels
  • Research and resource development to assist members with service delivery issues
  • Advocacy in regard to national policy issues impacting on Meals on Wheels organisations in Australia
  • Membership support

Just as society is constantly changing, so is the profile of Meals on Wheels. Through our volunteers and clients, it is demonstrated how we as an organisation are responding to the differing needs of society and defining our role as one of responsiveness and innovation.

While active retirees are still some of our strongest supporters, a new generation of helper is emerging with younger people keen to assist along with families embracing community spirit through action.

When did Meals on Wheel start?
Meals on Wheels began in Britain during the Second World War and was established in Australia in 1952. It's a household name to this generation of Australians and is set to become an even more important service in the future as the population ages and people live longer and wish to maintain their independence.
Where does Meals on Wheel operate?
If you live in the City, Suburbs, Regional town or Coastal village, chances are there will be a service operating in your district.
Who is eligible for Meals on Wheels?
Meals on Wheels is not means tested and is a service geared to the needs of frail older people, younger people with disabilities and their careers. To find out if you or a relative is eligible contact us to arrange for someone to come to meet you and discuss your needs. Potential clients of Meals on Wheels can refer themselves, be referred by a family member, friend, doctor or hospital.
What is the Food like?
The food provided by Meals on Wheels is nutritionally balanced, tasty and caters to specific dietary needs, cultural preferences and personal tastes. As everybody leads different lives, there is flexibility in delivery options. Some prefer a hot meal delivered in the middle of the day, others like frozen or chilled food that can be heated at a time to suit. Menus are designed to be healthy and varied and our team of chefs and catering companies go out of their way to keep our clients happy.
How much do meals cost?
Every effort is made to keep meals as affordable as possible, particularly as many of our clients are pensioners. The generosity of our volunteers, who give their time to help cook in the kitchens, drive the cars, and deliver the meals, means we are able to provide a vital service at an economical price. The meals are provided at these products costs: - Main Meal is $7.10 - Soup is $1.50 - Sweets are $2.00 - Sandwiches are $4.00