As the College has evolved and grown since its opening in 1970, so has the symbolism of our crest. The underlying theme that links the four corners is our calling to be children of God, journeying towards our goal.
We journey in the security of freedom and joy, under the banner of the Southern Cross.
The letters JJJ on the Josephite Cross stand for Jesus, Joseph and John the Baptist who embody prophetic spirit and strong commitment. As each day ends we take all this and go forth into the setting sun.
The colours of our emblem - red, green, yellow and white - connect us to our local community and our world.
Information LinksAbout Us
- Information Guide
- School Policies
- Canteen Roster
- Newsletters
- Year Planner 2009
- College Map
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An Enrolment Application Form must be completed for each student applying for a position at MacKillop College. Applicants may be required to attend an interview at the College prior to commencement.
MacKillop College is zoned therefore applications cannot be accepted from residents outside the Werribee Parish (the exception being applicants with current or past siblings enrolled at the College).
If you are unsure of your eligibility please contact the Registrar or view the MacKillop Zones section on this website. When enrolled at the College, students and parents/guardians are bound by the regulations and expectations authorised and initiated by the Principal as detailed in the Parent & Student Information Guide.
Curriculum OverviewMacKillop College offers students a broad, comprehensive and well-balanced curriculum. We endeavour to meet the needs of our students and our community with a contemporary 21st Century curriculum. In the delivery of such a curriculum we have an emphasis on higher order skills for problem solving, research, creativity and innovation.
Intensive learning of this nature requires excellent access to on-line resources, the freedom to spend extended periods of time on task, availability to a range of expert teachers and the freedom to access resources in the community. We endeavour to do this.
Quick LinksEnrolments
- Curriculum Overview
- Presentations and Subject Handbooks
- eLearning/ICT
- Outdoor Education
- Co-Curriculum
- Sport
- Sounds Of MacKillop
- Resource Centre
Pastoral Care
Student Leadership