Business Summary
Customer Service Centre. Locked Bag 7064, Liverpool BC, NSW 1871. Opening Hours 8.30am-5pm
About Us

Liverpool City Council is positioned to lead its community through immense change over the next 10 years. With a rapidly increasing population, the construction of Western Sydney Airport and the development of Liverpool's city centre as an innovative health, education and lifestyle precinct, Council is committed to continual collaboration with residents and stakeholders.

Council and residents place a high value on the city’s tradition of diversity and inclusion. Council will deliver innovative and practical services and cultivate a place and community that is connected.

Liverpool City Council governs 42 suburbs and helps the local community in the following ways:

  • By providing services, facilities, resources and support to the community;
  • By protecting the community to make sure it is safe and clean;
  • By preventing harmful influences such as excessive noise and pollution;
  • By planning services, facilities and developments affecting our future; and
  • By representing Liverpool to other areas of government.