Hepburn Health Service is a major provider of public health and wellbeing services across the Victorian Hepburn Shire. A complex range of ongoing services are required for our rural population of 15,000 people. Being located within a major tourist region brings added complexity with large population fluctuations. Our region experiences above the Victorian state average in the incidence of chronic disease, in socio-economic disadvantage and in population ageing.
Hepburn Health Service is committed to providing dynamic and innovative community outreach and bed-based services, either directly itself or through effective partnership arrangements. Incorporating health promotion principles our services encompass all stages of life, including keeping people well, early intervention, treatment of illness, and aged care through to dignified dying.
Our strategic plan, developed by our Board of Management, guides how the organisation works and improves its systems and services. The strategic plan has six key result areas that outline the goals we are working towards.