- Department of Mines and Petroleum
- Department of Commerce
Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety Department of
Our service areas include;
- Building and Energy
- Consumer Protection
- Energy Policy WA
- Fuel Watch
- Geological Survey Western Australia
- Labour Relations
- Resource & Environmental Regulation
- Wageline
- WA ScamNet
- WorkSafe
For enquiries contact
Consumer Protection: 1300 304 054 for consumer and tenancy-related matters
Associations and Charities - 1300 304 074
Consumer Protection licensing - 1300 304 064
Building and Energy building and plumbing-related matters - 1300 489 099
Electrical, gas and energy licensing-related matters - 08 6251 1900
Energy Policy WA - 08 6551 4600
Wageline - 1300 655 266
WorkSafe - 1300 307 877 for calls related to unsafe or inappropriate behavior at work
To report a serious incident or fatality contact the 24-hour WorkSafe reporting line - 1800 678 198
WorkSafe licensing enquiries - 1300 424 091
Mines safety reporting - 1300 307 877
Mineral Titles, Tenements, Miner's rights, Tengraph, Prospecting and Fossicking, Maps - 08 9222 3626
Dangerous Goods Licenses - 08 6251 2300
All other enquiries, please contact - 08 9222 3333 or visit demirs.wa.gov.au