Dental Services (Public)

Also known as
  • Oral Health Services Tasmania

Oral Health Services Tasmania

Rosny Park

More Locations

Clarence Integrated Care Cntr Bayfield Street, Rosny Park TAS 7018

Business Summary
Oral Health Services Tasmania
About Us

Oral Health Services Tasmania provides the following dental services to eligible Tasmanians

  • Priority Care: Treatment for urgent dental needs
  • General Care: Routine treatment which includes check-ups, fillings, extractions and other dental services
  • Denture Services: Provision of full and partial dentures and other related services

Dental services for adults are provided from the five major dental centres in Burnie, Devonport, Launceston, Clarence and Hobart.

Dental services for children and teens are provided from the five major centres plus additional sites in urban and rural settings across the State.

Oral Health Services Tasmania also provides dental services to people who, due to various health conditions, require dental treatment within a hospital setting. These services are provided in Special Care Dental Units located at the Royal Hobart Hospital and the North West Regional Hospital.

There are also two fully equipped mobile dental units that visit sites around Tasmania.

Interpreters are available through our clinics. Our staff can arrange for an interpreter to contact you or be present at your appointment.

Oral Health Services Tasmania also supports and provides:

  • Community oral health promotion
  • Dental clinical placements for both undergraduates and  new graduates
  • Professional development for the Tasmanian Oral Health workforce
When are the dental clinics open?
Major dental clinics are open from Monday to Friday between 8.30am and 5.00pm Community clinic hours may vary. Please contact your local dental clinic. Dental clinics are closed weekends and public holidays.
Who can I contact in an emergency if the dental clinic is closed?
In the event of an emergency when dental clinics are closed contact your GP or Present to your closest hospital Accident and Emergency department
What happens when I call the dental clinic to make an appointment?
When you call you will talk to a Customer Service Officer who will ask you a series of questions to determine how urgently you need to see a dentist. This process is called 'triaging' and is necessary so that those people most in need of care will receive appointments.
Will I be able to claim payments on my Private Health Insurance Fund?
You will need to discuss this with your private health insurance fund.
What is the Medicare Child Dental Benefits Schedule?
Under this Program, from 1 January 2014, you can make an appointment for your child at your local Oral Health Services Tasmania dental clinic and you will be bulk billed for your child's dental care.