- Accommodation-Counselling & Support
- Counselling-All Types
- Domestic Violence-Counselling & Group Work
- Marriage Counselling
- Child Parent Centres
- Mediation Services
- Parent-Adolescent Counselling & Mediation
- Gambling Help W.A.
- Family Relationship Centre Midland
- Migrant Services
- Youth Counselling
Head Office
With a history dating back to the 1940's, Centrecare is a Catholic not-for-profit, community services organisation with over 300 staff delivering more than 70 quality, professional counselling, support, mediation and training services throughout the Perth metropolitan, Goldfields, Esperance and South West regions of Western Australia. This includes weekly and fortnightly services to the communities of Coolgardie, Menzies, Leonora and Laverton and Norseman. Additionally, staff provide regular supports to the remote Aboriginal communities of Coonana, Tjuntjuntjarra and the Ngaanyatjarra Lands.
The name Centrecare was coined in the 1970s to describe those social services then being delivered by the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth. Today, Centrecare is an Incorporated Association and is a modern expression of the Church in today’s world. It is recognised in Canon Law as an Association of Christ's Faithful. Centrecare aims to be an example of unconditional care in action. It always seeks the common good and works towards achieving a society that is founded on the principles of justice and fairness for all.
- Accommodation Support
- Child Parent Centres
- Counselling - Individual, Couple & Family
- Domestic Violence Counselling/Groups
- Family Dispute Resolution
- Family Relationship Centre
- Family Support Network
- Financial Counselling
- Gambling Help W.A.
- Grief & Loss
- Justice Support Services
- Parent Adolescent Counselling