

Also known as
  • Accommodation-Counselling & Support
  • Counselling-All Types
  • Domestic Violence-Counselling & Group Work
  • Marriage Counselling
  • Child Parent Centres
  • Mediation Services
  • Parent-Adolescent Counselling & Mediation
  • Gambling Help W.A.
  • Family Relationship Centre Midland
  • Migrant Services
  • Youth Counselling

Contact Us (Head Office)

Head Office

Business Summary
Centrecare is one of Western Australia's most well established, professional and innovative providers of counselling and specialist social services and offers extensive outreach and on-site services both in the Perth metropolitan and regional areas of Western Australia. We provide services including but not limited to: Accommodation & Support; General Counselling; Family Domestic Violence Counselling; Family Relationship Counselling; Gambling Help; Indigenous Specific; Mental Health; Financial Advice; Youth & Family Counselling and many more.
About Us

With a history dating back to the 1940's, Centrecare is a Catholic not-for-profit, community services organisation with over 300 staff delivering more than 70 quality, professional counselling, support, mediation and training services throughout the Perth metropolitan, Goldfields, Esperance and South West regions of Western Australia. This includes weekly and fortnightly services to the communities of Coolgardie, Menzies, Leonora and Laverton and Norseman. Additionally, staff provide regular supports to the remote Aboriginal communities of Coonana, Tjuntjuntjarra and the Ngaanyatjarra Lands.

The name Centrecare was coined in the 1970s to describe those social services then being delivered by the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth. Today, Centrecare is an Incorporated Association and is a modern expression of the Church in today’s world. It is recognised in Canon Law as an Association of Christ's Faithful. Centrecare aims to be an example of unconditional care in action. It always seeks the common good and works towards achieving a society that is founded on the principles of justice and fairness for all.

What We Do
  • Accommodation Support
  • Child Parent Centres 
  • Counselling - Individual, Couple & Family 
  • Domestic Violence Counselling/Groups 
  • Family Dispute Resolution 
  • Family Relationship Centre 
  • Family Support Network
  • Financial Counselling 
  • Gambling Help W.A. 
  • Grief & Loss 
  • Justice Support Services
  • Parent Adolescent Counselling
How long is a Counselling session and is there a fee?
Generally, counselling sessions last 50 minutes. Not all of Centrecare's services charge a fee. However, where a fee is charged, fees will be means tested and are calculated on a sliding scale according to the total household income and reflect each client’s capacity to pay. All fees are calculated inclusive of GST unless otherwise stated.
Culturally Appropriate Service
Centrecare aims to provide a respectful and culturally sensitive service and interpreters are available on request.
Is this service private and confidential?
Our services are confidential and all our staff are bound by our Commitment to Confidentiality and Oath or Affirmation of Secrecy, for Family and Child Counsellors. However, confidentiality will be waived where there may be a threat to an individual’s safety or if a serious crime or threat against another person is disclosed.
Are the staff qualified?
All our staff interacting with clients are qualified for their job role. They receive ongoing professional development, supervision and meet the requirements of the Family Law Act.
How do I provide feedback or lodge a complaint?
Centrecare prides itself on providing high quality services. Your comments assist us in maintaining or improving that level of quality & fully meeting the needs of our clients. Recording your feedback is one of the best ways to help us understand what we do well and where we can improve. While at one of our branches, if you have a suggestion, compliment or complaint, please complete the Feedback form which is available at reception and place it in the Suggestions Box or hand to the Receptionist.
Is there child minding facilities?
Yes but only at our Perth and Midland Offices and bookings are essential. Prior arrangement for creche facilities can be discussed with the Client Liaison Officer when booking an appointment.
Does Centrecare offer a quality service?
Yes! Centrecare is a ISO 9001/2008 Quality Endorsed Company which is audited internally by our Quality Assurance Team and also triennially by external auditors for compliance.
At A Glance
social services
Payment Methods