
More Locations

Lot 43 Lee Avenue Leesville Estate, Jindabyne NSW 2627

About Us

John Fielding and the team at Bellevarde build arguably the finest architectural homes in Australia.

After John built our house in 1994 and became a friend, we discovered that he doesn't like to talk much about his work but other people do.

My conversations with the owners and

architects of all the houses built by John revealed that everyone greatly enjoyed the building experience.

If you are contemplating building an

architect-designed house, I believe you will find their comments both interesting and useful.

As a bonus, please enjoy the images of some of Australia's most beautiful homes.


How I got started.

Why did you start Bellevarde?

I was a bricklayer who always loved architecture and I got to see first hand what happened to houses when architects didn't do them.

I decided that I wanted to understand how beautiful houses were designed and to learn how to build them.

So I found an architect and we went into a design-and-build competition and won that…

I started Bellevarde in 1980 to build high quality architect-designed houses.


How do we maintain standards?

We set out to do things as well as they can be done. That is totally dependent on finding good people who like doing things really well. It is an attitude that can't be driven by money or by me. That's what Bellevarde is - a team of us who just want to build extraordinary houses.

John Fielding

Twice a year we want to introduce you to one or two of the highly skilled and passionate members of our team.

The first two are from the younger brigade. Both are hard workers, with a commitment to doing things just as well as can be done and they are both good guys. We've left Steve here to inspire them further.


Bellevarde's team approach to working with our clients and their architects means that we have often shared the quiet satisfaction which comes from peer recognition of visions realized and work well done.