Arcadia Health Centre

Experts in Fasting, Water Fasting and Lifestyle Care

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Business Summary
Established in 1961, is a world renowned residential Clinic in continuous operation for half a century and a pioneer in health reform. It is a rational healthcare centre for fasting, recovery, prevention, education and lifestyle reform. It is peacefully located in the beautiful and salubrious Hills District within the environs of Sydney. It provides an excellent, quiet , peaceful, scenic unpolluted, restful and protective environment for the effective and optimal application of health conditions and requirements. The Centre is involved in evidence based healthy living education on rational health care principals like intermittent fasting, optimal deit plans etc.
About Us

The Centre is a unique and leading Clinic in the world for fasting supervision. It was founded in Sydney by Dr. Alec Burton in 1961, and was later joined by Dr Nejla Burton and has been in continuous operation since 1961.  It is recognized by the International Association of Hygienic Physicians, Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. and has served as a teaching and training Institution for a number of doctors such as M.D.’s, D.O.’s, D.C.’s,  etc.

The recovery of health demands both skilful care and a protective, conducive environment. The care at the Centre is supervised by professionals specifically trained in lifestyle, fasting and rational health care. The practitioners are all licensed and are members of the International Association of Hygienic Physician, made up of licensed primary care physicians.

The emphasis is health oriented rather than disease oriented; that is, the focus is on health care and the removal of the causes of disease, rather than the vigorous and active treatment of disease which often involves the use of procedures in themselves harmful to health.

The doctors live onsite at the Centre. This facilitates an ongoing  collaborative relationship between the practitioner and the patient for the best health outcome.