Reach Beyond

Reaching the unreached with the gospel

Business Summary
Broadcasting a message of hope to the unreached via shortwave radio.
About Us

Reach Beyond Australia is a not-for-profitorganisation broadcasting the gospel message to the Asia Pacific region viashortwave radio

from it's Broadcast Facility in Kununurra, farNorth Western Australia.

We are uniquely placed to deliver a powerfulmessage of hope and bring about a spiritual & social transformation topeople in remote

and unreached communities where hope isdesperately needed. We are making the gospel more accessible to the unreached people

groups and those with limited access to thegospel.

Reach Beyond, formerly HCJB Australia is aministry of over 80 years. Founded in 1931 in Quito Ecuador, it has become aglobal

partnership-driven ministry producing Highquality programs broadcasting in 29 languages.

Our commitment to reach the darkest corners ofthe earth is unwavering, to reach those who haven’t yet heard of the Saviourwho changes lives forever.