We are there for the long term, providing for the educational and development goals of families. We help those we serve to grow and thrive despite adversity.
Relieving financial hardship
Legacy advocates to ensure beneficiaries receive government benefits or pensions they are entitled to, and support those doing it tough by providing one-off or regular payments to ensure financial needs are met.
Legacy ensures beneficiaries can access health and medical support. For those living alone, an emergency response unit may be provided to help them live confidently in their own home.
These programs can also provide parents with respite and introduce children and families to others with shared experiences – providing support, community and opportunities for friendship.
Legacy strives to ensure that no person faces social isolation. Legacy has clubs, local events, holidays and camps where widows, children and families can come together to bond and create friendships.
Legacy has a long history of nurturing the development of children, with a special priority given to education. Legacy’s commitment to assisting with children’s education and development extends to: grants and scholarships; mentoring programs for children that assist with education and life choices; adventure activities and holiday camps.