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About Us

The Department for Correctional Services is an important part of the justice sector in South Australia – responsible for prisoners, the offenders in our communities, and the provision of rehabilitation opportunities.

Mission and vision

Our mission statement determines our direction and focuses our future goals. It aligns with our strategy plans, current projects and underpins our research.

Our mission

To manage offenders in a safe, secure and humane environment and provide opportunities for rehabilitation and reintegration.

Our vision

A safer community by protecting the public and reducing reoffending.

Our stakeholders

The department recognizes the vital contribution that stakeholders play in achieving our departmental outcomes.
We will continue to forge strong partnerships and work collaboratively with our stakeholders to achieve a safer community.

Our stakeholders include:

  • the community
  • the government
  • the Parole Board and the courts, and
  • victims of crime.

Our outcomes

The department’s outcomes define the desired changes that will be achieved through the successful delivery of the key strategies.

Our work aligns with the following outcomes:

  • Improved public protection
  • Reduced reoffending
  • Improved opportunities for rehabilitation and reintegration
  • Safe, secure and humane environments
  • Skilled, professional, resilient and valued workforce
  • Safety, health and wellbeing in the workplace
  • Improved outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander offenders
  • Improved and targeted service delivery for women offenders
  • Accountable and better public services
  • Innovative, sustainable and cost effective services.

The department's plans are also aligned with South Australia’s Strategic Plan.